Airplants and Auctions

Went for our very first auction on thursday. It was fun! we’ve watched so many auction shows on TV over the years, never really gave them much thought but when we found ourselves in a situation that required us to participate in an auction for real, we got all excited and a wee bit panicky too. Frantically trying to recall the darn things we watched – and only managing to stress ourselves further.

Well, it was all for nothing because the actual auction was wonderful! We had such a good time. There was wine and quiche and the auctioner was friendly and funny and we managed to win ourselves some fantastic stuff! It was almost addictive the way the bids get higher and you can sense the excitement and tension building as bids close and people win. I loved it!
Since the house is still not a 100% the pics will have to wait but I will post them once they are all settled in their designated spots at home. 🙂

And today, I got myself some Spanish moss. Saw the posting on Craig’s list a few weeks ago and though to myself “those are beautiful!” when I contacted the poster she was so nice and accommodating; offering to hold into the plants till we moved.
Finally made the trip today, fell in love with her well tended and beautiful garden instantly! You could tell from the way she spoke about her plants that she was not just well informed about them but truly cared for each of them. And seeing that made me want to get more. So now I’m committed to picking up some frangipani and some more funky Airplants when I visit her in a couple of weeks! Yay!!
Aren’t they gorgeous?
